czwartek, 12 listopada 2020

Facts About Cats. 10 Shocking Things.

Why do many cats have white paws? How do they always find their home? Why don't some have tail. These amazing creatures have so many secrets. Let's discover them. Supposedly ancient humans kept pet cats with white paws. The gene responsible for white paws became dominant so those cats had better chances for protection and food.

Let's get started

  1. Most cats find their way home pretty quickly. Thanks to homing instinct, experts suspect that they do this. Thanks to magnetic geolocations sensing the earth's geomagnetic fields, it cues about distance and direction. Cats purr by contracting a muscle in the lyrics that lead to vocal cords vibration. and produce from 20 to 30 vibrations per second. Depending on which height they fall from, sass can choose to land on the belly instead of the feet. In this case, they spread out their limbs, turning the body into sort of a parachute.

2. Many cats don't like water because they don't have oil on their coat due to constant grooming. Cat drinking water is scarce, so that you can watch this on youtube. There are tons of ASMR videos where cat owners tap their pets' drinking water. Apart from drinking water, they also don't like washing in the water :)

facts about cats

3. Every cat has a unique pattern of bumps and ridges on its nose. This makes their noses similar to our fingertips. 

facts about cats

4.Cats rub against people in furniture to mark their territory by leaving their scent. The scent produces glands on their cheeks, forehead, chin, and the base of their tail.

facts about cats

We're halfway through, so let's go further into these mysterious creatures;)

5.Whiskers are packed with nerve cells and help cats avoid bumping into things and people,also, if the whiskers don't touch the sides of an opening of the cat is sure it'll easily squeeze inside.

6.Cats are fantastic jumpers. Thanks to powerful muscles in their back legs. Some can leap six times their length, also use their tail for balance cats.

7.6.Cats are fantastic jumpers. Thanks to powerful muscles in their back legs. Some can leap six times their length, also use their tail for balance cats.

7.Cats spend two-thirds of their life sleeping. Since they are hunters by nature, they use sleep to conserve energy, to catch the prey later. Some experts believe that cats hiss to mimic snakes, and they imitate the sound to scare away potential enemies.

facts about cats

8.Many cats are lactose intolerant, so giving them milk is a bad idea.

10.The current longest domesticated cat is from Italy, he's three feet, 11.2 inches long. So get along little kitty cats who are born with more toes than usual are often referred to as Hemingway cats because the famous writer liked them and kept many as pets.

11.A Japanese cat called Mauro was dubbed the most viewed animal on YouTube. People watch his videos more than 400 million times by 2019. Tamma was a female cat who worked as a station master at a railway in Japan. She greeted passengers and even got a gold medal for her work.The maru cat is not the only popular pet on YouTube. There are plenty of these, especially when it comes to asmr. See for yourself:

See also our other articles

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Facts About Cats. 10 Shocking Things.

Why do many cats have white paws? How do they always find their home? Why don't some have tail. These amazing creatures have so many sec...